13 October 2008

Bailout = Better Biking?

Living in a state whose legislators tend to focus their energy on better shootin' and commandment postin', I was amazed to read about Oregon Rep. Earl Blumenaur's successful maneuver to attach a bicycle commuter act onto the federal bailout bill last week. I had to read the article twice to make sure I wasn't seeing things, but indeed, the $700 Billion bailout bill will also (in a small indirect way) help the plight of bike commuters.


Anonymous said...

"Earl Blumenaur's successful maneuver to attach a bicycle commuter act onto the federal bailout bill last week."

Clarification: Earl Blumenauer has been championing the bike commuter tax benefit for a very long time, but he was not responsible for it being one of the myriad other things attached to the Federal bailout bill at the last minute. In fact, despite his bill being attached to it, he still voted no on the bailout. Ironic, but true. And many of his bikey constituents love him even more for his unwavering principles.


Hutchy said...

Thanks for the clarification -- what a strange turn of events.

There's actually another article in the times about the exact point you've made here. . .


Bushie Man said...

My dear Matthew,

Unfortunately, in addition to guns and religion, Georgia also sports a large population of agressive drivers. Passage of this tax benefit would still not prevent the infrequent curb hop I have to perfom to avoid getting waxed by the Pucci-clad female driving a Mercedes, all the while talking on her cell phone and giving me the middle finger. Pluck yew, indeed.

On a local level, although I applaud the rapidly approaching middle-age Hutchie-man, this experiment could very easily end with a last entry of "Bye Bye Hutchie".

Screw the tax credit, pass legislation to mandate a national network of safe bicycle superhighways. Eisenhower would be so proud...